Crocheting – not just for old ladies

One of my favorite hobbies is crocheting. I learned how to do it from my surrogate grandma, my neighbor Millie. I started off as most new crocheters, making granny squares into afghans. I perfected that art and even completed a few – including one for my mom and one for my sis last year for the holidays. (Complete with cat hair, like most of my projects.)

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Here’s my sister’s, in its natural surroundings:


The great thing about crocheting is it’s perfect for multitasking while you’re watching TV or listening to music. Recently, I’ve joined a group of knitters and crocheters at work, so it also makes for great socializing! These ladies (and a couple of gentlemen) knit and crochet for a cause, so all the blankets, scarves, and hats we make are donated to people with cancer, soldiers overseas, veterans, and others who are in need. It’s nice to feel like I’m putting my skills to good use. And I’m getting pretty good at making hats! (My first one ever, below.)


If you’re a knitter/crocheter, and are interested in donating some of your goods, contact me and I’ll refer you to some people in need.

Also, if you have any cool patterns you can recommend to me, I’d love to check them out. The great thing about meeting these ladies at work was they taught me how to read a pattern, whereas I’d only learned by sight before. A whole new world was opened up!